Mother’s Day Special Bouquet


Showing 17–26 of 26 results

  • Mother’s Day Special Bouquet

    375 AED

    Surprise your mom with an elegant “Mother’s Day Bouquet” wrapped in beautiful purple paper and bursting with colorful flowers. This stunning arrangement perfectly shows appreciation and makes her feel extra special on her special day. Each flower has been thoughtfully selected and arranged to create a harmonious display of natural beauty. Whether your mom prefers classic roses, cheerful daisies, or exotic orchids, we customize bouquets according to your preference.

    • Thoughtfully arranged
    • Customizable
    • Harmonious
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  • Ocean Breeze Bouquet

    399 AED

    “Ocean Breeze Bouquet” is a refreshing and vibrant arrangement that captures the essence of the ocean with its blue and green hues. This bouquet features stunning peonies, chrysanthemums, and other colorful flowers that complement each other perfectly. The greenery adds depth and texture to the bouquet, creating a natural and organic feel. This bouquet is perfect for any occasion and brings tranquility and beauty.

    • Balance
    • Peaceful
    • Unity
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  • Premium Flower Bouquet

    375 AED

    Experience the luxury of a “Premium Flower Bouquet”, carefully crafted with the freshest, highest-quality blooms. Our expert florists have hand-selected each flower for its beauty, fragrance, and durability, ensuring your bouquet will delight and impress. From the delicate petals of the roses to the bold colors of flowers, every flower in your bouquet is chosen for its unique charm and elegance.

    • Exquisite
    • Customizable
    • Artistic
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  • Punch of Colors Bouquet

    399 AED

    The “Punch of Color Bouquet” is a stunning arrangement of fresh flowers that captures the essence of natural beauty and elegance. This exquisite bouquet features a mix of delicate blooms in shades of pink and white, including roses, carnations, and lilies. This bouquet features a variety of flowers, including roses and carnations, as well as delicate filler flowers and greenery for added texture and depth.

    • Vibrant
    • Affordable
    • Beautifully arranged
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  • Retirement Relaxation Bouquet

    375 AED

    Introducing the “Retirement Relaxation Bouquet,” a carefully curated collection of serene blossoms designed to celebrate the beginning of a well-deserved rest. This vibrant arrangement combines calming lavender, delicate baby’s breath, fragrant eucalyptus, symbolizing newfound freedom, and cheerful gerbera daisies reflecting the excitement of embarking on a new chapter in life. Lovingly hand-tied and wrapped in eco-friendly packaging, the “Retirement Relaxation Bouquet” offers a personal touch for the retiree.

    • Serene
    • Vibrant
    • Thoughtful
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  • Romantic Valentine’s Day Bouquet

    350 AED

    “Romantic Valentine’s Day Bouquet” isn’t just beautiful; it’s full of meaning. Pink flowers in this bouquet symbolize love, gratitude, and appreciation, making them the perfect gift for your significant other. And with their vibrant colors and delicate petals, these roses will bring joy and happiness to your loved one’s day. This stunning bouquet is the perfect way to show your love and affection.

    • Fresh
    • Vibrant
    • Versatile
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  • Rustic Charm Bouquet

    375 AED

    The “Rustic Charm Bouquet” is a stunning arrangement of fresh, seasonal flowers that exude a natural, earthy beauty. This bouquet is perfect for anyone who appreciates the simple yet elegant beauty of wildflowers and rustic charm. Featuring a mix of delicate blooms and lush greenery, the “Rustic Charm Bouquet” captures the essence of the countryside with its natural color palette and rustic charm. 

    • Elegant
    • Versatile
    • Fragrant
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  • Sawyer Flower Bouquet

    375 AED

    “Sawyer Flower Bouquet” is a stunning floral arrangement, bursting with color and life. It’s composed of a variety of flowers, each one carefully selected for its unique beauty and symbolism. The bouquet is a true work of art, a testament to the skill and creativity of its florist. At the center of the bouquet are a cluster of vibrant roses, symbolizing love and passion.


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  • Sunflower & Red-Roses Bouquet

    399 AED

    Introducing “Sunflower & Red-Roses Bouquet”, a spectacular arrangement specially crafted for memorable birthday celebrations. This captivating bouquet will brighten any event with its exquisite combination of dazzling sunflowers and vibrant red roses. Expert florists handpick the freshest blooms, ensuring a long-lasting and radiant display. The lush greenery adds a touch of elegance, while the bespoke wrapping complements the vibrant hues.

    • Colorful
    • Long-lasting
    • Exceptional
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  • Sympathy Comfort Bouquet

    399 AED

    Presenting the “Sympathy Comfort Bouquet – Get Well Soon,” a heartwarming and thoughtful floral arrangement designed to uplift the spirits of a loved one for their recovery. This carefully crafted bouquet features soothing white roses symbolizing purity and hope, gentle red roses representing strength and resilience, soft pink roses conveying love and admiration, and cheerful yellow roses bringing a touch of sunshine and warmth during challenging times.

    • Thoughtful
    • Soothing
    • Personalized
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